Is it possible to FIX OUT-OF-FOCUS or BLURRY IMAGES in Lightroom?


This past summer, I messed up big time.


Well, I finally managed to get our daughter to agree to a photo shoot, and I used our backyard to save her some time.

And one of my favorite photos was out of focus.

And I didn't realize this until a few days after the photoshoot.

If you have a teenager, you know how difficult it is to get them to agree to a photo shoot.

Am I right?

So, instead of trying to coordinate our schedules to reshoot I decided to figure out how to fix the original image.

And I did.

So, how did I do this?

Well, let's find out.

Lightroom + Photoshop

In Lightroom and Photoshop, we have some tools that we can use to sharpen our images.

The problem is that it won’t fix images that are out-of-focus or blurry due to motion blur.

Instead, we need something more powerful.

So, Artificial Intelligence is the answer.

Unfortunately, we don’t have that in Photoshop or Lightroom at this time.

The good news is that there is a lot of software available that can fix out-of-focus images and motion blur.

So, let me show you the one I use to fix my images.

So, I have two images already loaded into the AI software… and... Check. This. Out!

Topaz Photo AI, Automagically fixed the out of focus area of my daughter.

How. Cool. Is. That? I love it.

Now, real quick, we have some sliders here to refine the sharpening for best results, including a mask that allows you to target exactly where you want that sharpening.

This next image is of a seagull that I captured a few months ago, and I love this photo.

Although it won’t win me any photography awards, it’s pretty cool.

Due to the cold, stormy day and the fact that I didn’t use a shutter speed fast enough to eliminate camera shake, the seagull is a little blurry.

The app does a pretty good job of fixing the image, and it’s not as blurry as before.

How amazing is that?

We can’t do that in Lightroom or Photoshop.

If you’d like to try Topaz Photo AI sharpening on your images, click here to download a free 30-day trial
Picture of Parker
A 30-year photography pro with a desire to help you achieve your creative vision! Facebook | Youtube

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